速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Yummy Christmas treats

Yummy Christmas treats





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Yummy Christmas treats(圖1)-速報App

Christmas is the peak time of year for making cookies, homemade candies, and all kinds of delicious treats. But it’s also the busiest time of year for most people. So let’s face it – sometimes you just don’t have enough time to do everything.

Yummy Christmas treats(圖2)-速報App

So whether you need a last minute homemade gift, ran out of baking, or need a quick and easy sweet treat to get you through gift wrapping – here’s my favorite easy last minute Christmas treats.

Yummy Christmas treats(圖3)-速報App

And as much as I love baking – spending time with friends and family takes priority.

Yummy Christmas treats(圖4)-速報App

Spread holiday cheer with chocolates, cupcakes, and cookies galore! If you're in need of a last-minute gift, these delicious (and dare we say, adorable!) treats are also Santa-approved.

Yummy Christmas treats(圖5)-速報App